Qr code scanner is a free barcode scanner application for phones designed to encrypt and decode information (QR code and scanning code).
With your mobile phone, you can scan barcodes to quickly get all information fast. It is extremely easy to use; Simply point to QR code or barcode you want to scan, the application will automatically scan and decode for information in barcode, no buttons you have added to read it.
The Barcode Scanner can scan and read all QR or barcode types, including text, url, ISBN, product, contact, calendar, email, location, Wi-Fi and many other formats.
Qr code scanner is best supported for Android devices. Enjoy all the benefits of scanning QR codes / barcode scanners everywhere to access your ads and coupons.
Features or QR code scanner
- Scan easily code and create QR Code
- Powerful QR decoding speed
- QR Code scanner allows you to view product details with QR code in stores, supermarkets, ...
- The Barcode scanner allows you to encode personal information, code for your mail, Wi-Fi, phone numbers, location and share sharing with friends.
- Create QR code text, a web address
- Create QR code for the content of a message you want to send to your friends or relatives
- Generate QR code for the roadmap where you go and share with everyone.
- Generate QR code from contacts or bookmarks and let a friend scan it on their device
- The barcode scanner stores QRcode with image barriers with square barcode
- QR code reader does not need internet connection to scan the code or barcode
- Save the QR scan history, support filter and search history to your QR scanner
The QR code reader is designed with the camera's permission. If you are very interested in privacy, this is the code scanner app you need. It is safe and fully compatible with Android devices
QR code scanner is widely used to decode QR and barcode types like ISBN, EAN, UPC, matrix data and other codes.
The barcode scanner is compared to a professional QR code reader. QR code scanner is free and fast.